Canada's Affordability Success Story August 29th, 2018 - Alex Usher Canadians are regularly bombarded with stories about “rising tuition” and “ever-mounting student debt”, the implication always being that the middle-class is being priced out of higher education,...
Entrevista a Fukuyama sobre identity politics
What Follows the End of History? Identity Politics By Evan Goldstein AUGUST 27, 2018 Francis Fukuyama is tired of talking about the end of history. Thirty years ago, he published a wonky essay in a little-read policy journal and became an overnight intellectual...
PSU innominada: una decisión equivocada
Tribuna Sábado 25 de agosto de 2018 PSU innominada: una decisión equivocada Harald Beyer: "...el proceso de admisión es financiado por los propios postulantes o el Estado en su representación. Es curioso, entonces, que se promueva una iniciativa que quizás beneficia a...
Cambio en la política mexicana: élites universitarias
Cambio de guardia en la política mexicana La universidad pública, con El Colegio de México y la UNAM a la cabeza, se consolida como 'alma máter' de la nueva élite burocrática mexicana. El ITAM pierde peso en el área económica. IGNACIO FARIZA, México 11 A El cambio de...
Las citas en revistas académicas tienen género
Understanding the Extent of Gender Gap in Citations One journal now asks authors to explain citation gap. By Rachael Pells for Times Higher Education, August 16, 2018 Research into the gendered citation patterns of academics has confirmed what many have long...
La dificultad para publicar en el área de la educación superior
Don't Even Think of Publishing in This Journal A major higher education research journal is suspending submissions to clear out a two-year backlog. Some see this case pointing to broad problems in academic publishing, such as the unwillingness of many scholars to...
Carta de investigadores sobre disconformidad con medida de Conicyt
Más de 300 académicos y tres premios nacionales firman carta exigiendo cambios en la política de Conicyt El desarrollo de una investigación doctoral debe comprenderse como el inicio de una carrera como investigador/a que requiere de más recursos que el solo...
Nuevas formas de enseñanza en la educación superior
Higher education and the “new model of learning” Posted: 08 Aug 2018 09:21 AM PDT By Amar Toor Communications and Digital Officer, Directorate for Education and SkillsIn an article published in 2017, University of Sydney professor Colm Harmon argues that the challenge...
Diálogo sobre la universidad en los Estados Unidos
The University Run Amok! Higher education’s insatiable appetite for doing more will be its undoing By Adam Daniel and Chad Wellmon JULY 29, 2018 PREMIUM In 2017, the University of Virginia reported an operating budget of almost $3.2 billion, assets of $11.2 billion,...
Lecturas sobre educación superior y futuro
Volume 2 Issue 4 July 2018 ISSN 2227-9679 We are pleased to bring you Volume 2 Issue 4 of ERUDITIO, electronic journal of the World Academy of Art and Science. Click here to download the PDF of Volume 2 Issue 4. CONTENTS...
Expectativa de vida y diplomas en EEUU
October 7, 2023 Almost two-thirds of American adults do not have college degrees, and they have become increasingly...
Irlanda: Evaluación externa de universidades
Ireland: Universities give monitoring system a cautious welcome John Walshe 29 September 2023 A new systems...
THE Ranking mundial de universidades 2024
US, UK universities lead ‘THE’ rankings but China rising A UWN Reporter 27 September 2023 The top of the latest Times...
Atemnción: Politización de las universidades
Why so quiet? Opposing politicisation of HE is mandatory Philip G Altbach and Hans de Wit 30 September 2023 Perhaps...